Now look out for holiday gifts.
Amaranth red is the favorite shade.
Yellow blonde hair is no longer stylish.
The Sara Bernhardt gloves are very stylish.
Muffs to match bonnets or coats are fashionable.
Fashion may be studied in the church or theatre.
Little girl’s coats are to have hoods at the back.
Sashes are worn with nearly all the new costumes.
Large hats are most becoming to children, and continue in vogue.
Chinese and Hindoo designs are seen upon many of the new dress materials.
Bayadere stripes will be again worn for underskirts. They come in new silk and wool materials.
A novelty is the floral pocket, which is likely to be worn very much this season on evening and full dress toilets.
Jersey webbing in the new shades of red, purple, wine-red, and variations of olive are among the new dress goods.
What's a "full dress toilet"?